Intelligent Survey System

TaxTrex surveys were designed by experts to capture the scientific process as it happens. Once a project is

created, surveys are issued at three regular intervals throughout the year. <learn more>

Building the claim profile
Short and effective surveys

Real-time Risk Assessment

The risk assessment algorithm will alert you on issues with eligibility, lack of substantiating documents, commercial production concerns and other areas that may put the R&D claim at risk. <learn more>


Nothing beats time-stamped documents 2
Multiple Level User Access
Visual Summaries & Activity Mapping

Research based:

Tested on 500+ R&D claims per year over a 4 year period

This core feature of TaxTrex is what separates it as the professional’s choice.

Swanson Reed’s in-depth research into R&D claims and case law was published in The Tax Advisor.  The research conducted in this paper formed the basis for the TaxTrex concept. <learn more>